2025 - Peace Education Year   IPD Academic Programs: Theory - Practice - Research - Exchange - Networking
We bring together Academic Institutions, State, Private & Public Sectors


2025 - Peace Education Year

If you don`t want to see war and conflicts in our beautiful world, then you need to Donate for Peace Education without hesitation! F.H.

Lets together pass sustainable Peace to our future Generation

Dear People with Beautiful Harts, Angel Sponsors & Benevolent Philanthropists,

Institute for Peace and Dialogue (IPD) is a registered international non-profit, non-political and non-religious organisation located in Basel, Switzerland.
First of all we are giving our deep thanks to our all partners and sponsors supported by heart IPD educational, charity and philanthropic activities during 2024 year, helped us to change the life of many people and promoting peace worldwide level.
IPD declared 2025 year Peace Education Year, because of only education is very essential tool to achieve sustainable peace, stability and living together in a peaceful coexistence for centuries.
IPD declared 2025 year Peace Education Year, because of now our beautiful world and as well all nations, countries, communities and specialists of every sector needs lasting peace more than previous years.
Existing wars, conflicts, chaos, catastrophes and traumatic human dramas weaken every kind of cooperation and mutual understanding between nations, states and Institutions and calls us to invest more to Peace Education Programs. Without sustainable Global Peace Education lasting mutual cooperation and understanding, the future prosperity of the world would remain only as a good dream.
It’s now time and great chance in your life to share your yearly contribution for supporting Peace Education, social, charity and humanitarian projects which creating positive change in our World.
We strongly believe that you and your other Philanthropist colleagues will make positive decision to be one of our Sponsor for we can able to share and spread your gifts, philanthropic and humanitarian supports among more people.
After your Donation transfer, Please, update us if you need Donation Receiving Confirmation Letter from IPD for you or your company Tax Free Documentation process
You are also most welcome to contact us If you have property in Basel city which would like to Donate us for using free of charge for our long-term charity and educational programs.

Besides Year End Giving Campaign, we are expecting from you Donation any time of year for realization of following targeted goals and projects. Its also possible to register as Permanent Sponsor and contribute your Donation as Monthly or Yearly Base 
- Strengthening Peace Education for Everyone Scholarship Program for the sake of covering capacity building and skills development education expenses of most needed applicants (Refugees, alone Mothers, disadvantaged people, person with fewer opportunities, students and young people with less family annual income)
- Opening International Peace Events & Resource Center in Basel city
- Contribution to support administrative and project expenses of IPD which faced with financial damages during long term Corona Pandemic period
- Forming annual Peace Award and Peace Fellowship Program to the name of Sponsor (Available upon request)
- Preparation Peace Gift Box for children and youth in post conflict country (orphan children, disabled youth, refugee youth, students and youth family with less annual incomes)
- Supplying refugee settlements, remote villages and poor communities with sustainable projects includes building drinking water springs, recovering village roads and building small river bridges in remote areas of post conflict countries
- Purchasing school bags for poor children in post conflict country (Refugees, orphan children, disadvantaged people, person with fewer opportunities, students and youth families with less annual incomes)
- Purchasing modern Vehicles for Disabled People in post conflict country (Refugees, orphan children, disadvantaged people, person with fewer opportunities and families with less income)
- Purchasing laptop for most needed person in post conflict country (Refugees, orphan children, disadvantaged people, person with fewer opportunities and families with less income)
- Caucasus Peace and Solidarity School Project Proposal for Funding Request

You could select one of the following Donation options
- For Individual Donation: 50EUR and above
- For Organizational Donation: 200EUR and above
- To be Bronze Sponsor: 1000EUR and above
- To be Silver Sponsor: 5000EUR and above
- To be Gold Sponsor: 10000EUR and above
- To be Platinum Sponsor: 20000EUR and above
- To be Diamond Sponsor: 30000EUR and above
- Patronage Sponsor of Year: Please specify Desired yearly or monthly base Sponsorship / Donation amount by email ________

Bank Details for Donation
Beneficiary`s Name: Institute for Peace and Dialogue (IPD)
Bank Name: PostFinance Ltd
Bank Address: Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern, Switzerland
Account number: 91-577724-2 EUR
IBAN: CH 27 0900 0000 9157 7724 2
Transaction Subject: Donation or Sponsorship for IPD Peace Education Program

- After completing your Donation Transfer, we appreciate if you send us by email to fhuseynli@ipdinstitute.ch brief information about you includes Name & Surname, Country, Organization Name (If Available), Email address & Donation/Sponsorship Amount


Deep thanks for your Donation / Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Spende / Merci profond pour votre don / Muchas gracias por tu donación  / Grazie mille per la tua donazione


You could also support us via ProPeace Membership (for registration please visit https://www.ipdinstitute.ch/Who-we-are/) which confirm you or your Company/Institution image dedicated for the sake of supporting promotion of peace, humanity & human rights.


Yearly ProPeace Membership Type & Contribution

- Individual Membership: 100EUR or 180EUR for 2 Years

- Institutional Membership: 300EUR or 550EUR for 2 Years

- Honorary Membership: 1000EUR or above. Please specify for more donation _______

- Diamond Membership: 3000EUR or above. Please specify for more donation _______

Institute for Peace and Dialogue (IPD)

Address: Ryffstrasse 23,
4056 Basel, Switzerland
T. / W. +41 76 431 6170
E: fhuseynli@ipdinstitute.ch
S: fakhrinur.huseynli

W: www.ipdinstitute.ch

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fakhrinur-huseynli-574776223/

Follow us on Facebook


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UNSUBSCRIBTION Request: If you do not wish to receive any email from us in future or if our any initiative or event or program information come to you by mistake Please, write us email with UNSUBSCRIBE title and mention your email in subject section or inside the email for we find and remove it from our database. 

If you have any problem to contact us via your email address, then please try to write us via other domain base email or contact us via Skype, Facebook or LinkedIn page and inform your IT Department about the existed technical problem.

We are pleased to receive your message through the following online contact formula as an alternative way.